Police and Crime Commissioner (PCCs) elections will take place in England and Wales on Thursday 6 May 2021. The pre-election period for these elections will start some weeks before this.
ICVA is an independent body, however, ICVA’s members are PCCs. We will therefore respect the pre-election period and will refrain from publishing new news pieces across this time.
We have a suite of resources for PCC candidates to use:
PCCs have a duty to run independent custody visiting schemes (ICV) and will have an ICV scheme manager in their office. We will be holding a briefing for PCC candidates from 16:00-17:00 on 20 April, where we will provide information on what an independent custody visiting (ICV) scheme is, PCC duties and important areas of work. The meeting will be via Teams. Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend.
You can find a written briefing for candidates, explaining their duties in running an ICV scheme. It is available in English here and in Welsh here.
We also have videos explaining the role. Our first gives an overview of ICV schemes and our second, from Martyn Underhill, Chair of ICVA and outgoing PCC for Dorset explains why his scheme was an invaluable resource.
If you would like to read more about how ICVA adds value for PCCs, please read our value report here.