
ICVA is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. ICVA’s funds come via a Home Office grant and membership fees from Police and Crime Commissioners and other Police Authorities such as the Scottish Police Authority, Northern Ireland Policing Board, City of London and Jersey Police Authority. Therefore, ICVA is currently funded from the public purse.

ICVA is committed to ensuring that it is open and transparent regarding its management, both organisational and fiscal, and that the organisation delivers both stable, unbiased decisions and value for money in terms of achieving its missions and aims.

In order to achieve greater transparency, ICVA will regularly publish documents of interest and note under the headings below. Should you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to email [email protected]


We want to make sure you can see how we make decisions and what those decisions are. In the documents below, you can find a decisions table, produced after each board meeting, detailing what recommendations were made to the board, and the decision reached.

Annual Report and Business Plan

We want to ensure that you are fully able to track our organisational activities. Therefore, in addition to the last 5 years of annual reports, we will also upload our Business Plan and quarterly updates against progress into the Openness documents below.


ICVA has four members of staff and two governing bodies who help to design and deliver its business plan: The Board of Directors and National Expert Forum (NEF).

The Board of Directors delivers the strategic, legal and fiscal responsibilities of an organisation. It comprises external members, recruited for their expertise, and member directors, recruited as regional representatives.

The NEF comprises of a regional representative from schemes across the UK. The purpose of the National Expert Forum is to deliver shared work and projects, to provide the Board with practical advice, to raise trends and issues to be taken up nationally and to seek strategic sign off for amends to existing protocols.

We want to ensure that we are fully open in terms of our governance and therefore the documents section below includes:

  • ICVA’s Articles of Association,
  • Terms of reference for different groups,
  • Code of Practice for Custody Visiting, and
  • Register of Director interests.

Freedom of information statement

ICVA is not a public body and is not, therefore, required to release information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, we strive to be open and will seek to share information where we are able to do so and where requests are reasonable.

ICVA will publish the results of any Freedom of Information style requests on its website.

Policies and Procedures

ICVA is a small organisation and have developed a suite of critical policies to effectively support organisational activities below. ICVA policies are developed in line with public sector organisations.