ICVA interviews Just for Kids Law on the Concordat on Children in Custody


October 7, 2020

Chief Executive

  • chief executive
  • children in custody
  • custody
  • detainee welfare
  • Police and Crime Commissioner
The Concordat on Children in Custody is a protocol that is in place to improve understanding of the statutory duties of local authorities and police when detaining children overnight after they have been charged with a crime.  The document provides a protocol on when children should be detained and how children should be transferred into local authority care when this happens.
The Concordat covers a number of processes.  ICVA interviewed Jen Twite, a barrister and Head of Strategic Litigation for Just for Kids Law.  In this video, ICVA’s CEO Katie Kempen and Jen discuss the key requirements of the Concordat, how this works in practice and what can be improved.
You can watch the video here.
ICV schemes in England and Wales should use this video in conjunction with the bitesize training module and checklist that ICVA has provided.