ICVA Covid 19 – A Six Month Review


October 21, 2020

  • custody
  • custody visits
  • detainee welfare
  • health
  • human rights
  • partnership
  • police custody
  • TACT
  • volunteers

Independent custody visiting schemes across the UK have continued to monitor police custody throughout COVID19.  Through a combination of techniques including face-to-face visits, remote visits, custody record scrutiny and meetings with custody staff, ICV schemes have overseen custody and provided feedback on key issues throughout this time.

Six months into the pandemic, ICVA has brought together key findings and themes from the COVID19 period. Police custody has seen rapid and significant change with specific issues arising and changing as the pandemic progressed.  Read ICVA’s six-month review here.

The report includes information on:

  • How schemes adapted independent custody visiting to maintain oversight.
  • What ICV schemes have done well and are proud of.
  • Key issues in the early days of the pandemic.
  • Video Enabled Justice.
  • Access to safeguards including solicitors and Appropriate Adults.
  • Overseeing terrorism detention.
  • Strengthening our work on racial equality in custody.
  • How ICVA has used scheme reports to provide up-to-date independent feedback to national organisations including the Home Office and National Police Chiefs’ Council to instigate work when required.

The report includes feedback from the Minister of State for Crime and Policing, Kit Malthouse; The Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, Jonathan Hall, QC and the NPCC lead for Custody, Deputy Chief Constable Nev Kemp.  All three thank ICVs for their crucial oversight across the pandemic.  ICVA is proud to work alongside such adaptable, committed and impactful organisations.