New Referral Pathway for Detainees Experiencing Symptoms of the Menopause


October 18, 2024

ICVA today publishes an impact report highlighting the important work being done to better support women held in police custody, marking World Menopause Day 2024.

ICVA, a national membership organisation for independent monitoring of police custody, has issued an impact report today on recent work in collaboration with Sussex Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (SOPCC) and national stakeholders to establish a menopause referral pathway to support female detainees in police custody, which is now included in best practice national guidance part of the College of Policing’s Authorised Professional Practice (APP). ICVA welcomes this update to the APP as an important step towards ensuring all detainees are treated humanely and with dignity in police custody.

Menopause is a natural, biological change that can subject women to a wide range of symptoms that are often debilitating and impact their physical, emotional, and mental health. Menopausal women can experience an increased intensity of symptoms when detained, such as suicidal ideation, and it is vital to ensure that the appropriate support is provided. This is particularly important when in police custody where detainees are uniquely vulnerable as they are reliant on the State for their most basic needs.

Sussex ICV Scheme Manager Claire Taylor said: “We noticed there were no clear consistent policies across Forces in relation to additional considerations for detainees experiencing the Menopause, or how Forces actively identify any vulnerabilities linked to Menopausal symptoms. It was vital this was addressed urgently to ensure those in custody were being treated humanely and to identify any vulnerabilities during the criminal justice process. I’m delighted our toolkit has been recognised and is now in the official professional practice issued by the College of Policing.”

You can read the full report here: Menopause Impact Report

And the above including contact details for ICVA here: 18.10.24 – ICVA Press Release Menopause Report



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