IOPC Operation Hotton Report- ICVA statement


February 3, 2022

ICV’s assure the public that the rights and entitlements of detainees are being observed. As part of fulfilling this requirement, ICV’s are empowered to report cultural issues in custody suites.

The behaviour of police officers revealed in Operation Hotton is reprehensible and falls well below the standards expected by the public. ICVs have reported where they have found concerning behaviour from custody staff and ICVA are reassured that this has been effectively escalated.

While the cultural issues identified in the investigation relate to officers predominantly working in Westminster, ICVA understands that these issues are not isolated or historic, and can be found in custody suites across the UK.

ICVA hopes this report will act as a watershed moment for British policing. We will continue to support ICV’s in challenging unacceptable behaviour in custody.

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