ICVA – Meet the Team – Part 2


January 30, 2020

Guest Blog

  • blogging
  • board of directors
  • custody
  • custody visits
  • PCC
  • Police and Crime Commissioner

Katie Beaumont

Hi I’m Katie

I am the Compliance Officer for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. I have worked here now for just over four years. Previously, I worked at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Centre for nine years. So, people in detention and ensuring their rights are protected has always been important to me.

I live in Bedfordshire with my 10-year-old son and our dog Bella. I am so glad that my work is enjoyable so I can thrive, to make the best life for my son.

Within my role as Compliance Officer, I cover a number of different daily tasks; from complaints, Data Protection, Freedom of Information, Transparency tasks such as the Specified Information Order and Policy review. I also manage the Independent Custody Visitor Scheme. I really love my team of ICVs and the work they do, it is so very important to remember how precious a volunteer’s time is and appreciate it to the absolute max.

I joined the ICVA Board and NEF three and a half years ago.  At first it was really quite scary to see if I could bring anything worthwhile to the table and to really make the difference I wanted to make. However, on attending my first meeting I realised that the Board were a great group of people who wanted to do exactly the same as me – MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Just looking over the last 18 months, ICVA has made such remarkable changes in custody if you review the work that has been completed just with females in Detention and Katie and Sherry’s success surrounding menstrual care. It is absolutely amazing and shows that ICVA are a really important organisation.

I would like to think that I bring passion to my role and share the eastern region’s learning to the Board, to influence ways to move forward. This also involves me feeding back national topics to each of the managers within the eastern region – ensuring everything is joined up and that we are all working to the same goal – to keep detainees safe and make positive changes in custody.

Liz Kelly

I’m on Board!

My name is Liz Kelly, I am happily married to Dave and mum to two grown up and very handsome young men – Will and Alex.  Very recently I became a new mummy again to my first little girl and first ever dog, her name is Matilda and she is a gorgeous Airdoodle.

I currently work for Derbyshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner but began working in this environment with Nottinghamshire Police Authority in 2002.  I moved over to Derbyshire Police Authority in 2008 to work as a Committee Officer.  By 2011 I had taken on other responsibilities including the management of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.  In 2012 I was in post to witness the transition from Police Authorities to Police and Crime Commissioners.

I work part time, Monday to Thursday, and my current job title is Meetings and Information Officer. My main responsibilities are to manage the Public Scrutiny Board Meetings and Audit and Risk Committee meetings, alongside managing the ICV Scheme.

I have approximately nine years’ experience in the independent custody visiting world and have lead Derbyshire through many changes in the delivery of its ICV Scheme, including the implementation of Custody Record Reviewing and a new style of visiting.  I was honoured to be asked to become a Director of the Board following our award of Platinum through ICVA’s Quality Assurance Framework in 2019, and I hope to be able to use my knowledge and experience of Custody Visiting to contribute effectively to ICVA’s vision and mission.